Monday, 4 June 2018

New Kobo Woes

After being reduced to one shared eReader in the household (a Kobo as it happens) after the getting-on-a-bit 5 button Kindle finally gave up, I invested in a Kindle Touch and Kobo Touch so we are back to full strength with 3 in the house.

The Kindle Touch was fine, no problem at all. The Kobo, because it was starting from factory settings, insisted on putting the latest firmware update on.

Apart from changing the front screen and some other bits of the interface (which I know a lot of people don't like but honestly as long as I can read books on it I don't care about it trying to sell me content every time I go to the home screen) one change caused me a bit of frustration. It may hit you so here is the problem, what has caused it, and how to get around it.

The problem manifests itself when trying to read a book. All the books show in the library, with front covers, sizes, everything looks normal. But when you open the book it is just blank - and the Kobo marks it as 100% read, as if the book is empty even though it clearly isn't.

The cause of this is that the default font for books has changed from Georgia to 'Publisher's Chosen Font'. This means that if your eBook doesn't specify a font (and my experience is that very very few do) the Kobo essentially displays it with no font, therefore no words appear. The whole book fits on one page so therefore it's 100% read.

Reportedly Kobo are working on a fix for this. But in the meantime the books can be recovered by setting the font for each book back to Georgia. With the blank page up, go to the settings menu (tap at the bottom of the screen on my version), select the character/font settings (the two As) and change the font to Georgia (or indeed any other one in the list of your choosing). The content will now appear and book will be as if the update had never happened.

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